Monday, 29 November 2010

Pony care in Winter

Ok so you might think the ponies get cold in winter-those of you who have visited us will know that they grow a thick coat in winter which plumps up when it's cold so MOST of the time they're warm enough.
How do we know if they're warm enough? We feel their ears and behind their front legs-if those 2 places are warm the ponies are warm enough-if not they're probably a little cold.
Jinny, our black Shetland pony has been seen with a white frost coating so she's obviously been happy to remain outside in very chilly conditions!
The weather that does makes them cold is heavy rain with a strong wind as the wind drives the rain into the coat and down to the skin. Occassionally they will then be found shivering from ear to tail so it's a quick fit of a rug and preferably a move to a stable for a while.
Having said all that our 2 Welsh Mountain ponies do tend to need rugs on when it's cold-just like humans some feel the cold more than others! Very occassionally Poppy also needs a coat. Our big horses all have coats on, sometimes 2 in the winter as they're not bred to live out and so don't grow such thick coats.
We are very kind to our ponies as they can all go into stables at night for some respite from the weather.
Hard frozen ground also causes problems-firstly they struggle to walk on it so there's a risk of damaging one of their delicate legs and secondly they really aren't keen on frozen grass! That means that we have to put out hay for them to eat which can get rather costly!
Cold also causes their water to freeze over and usually our taps. EVERY day we have to break the ice for them to be able to access drinking water-it's a horrid job as you have to take your gloves off to get the ice out. If taps have frozen we have to carry water from the house to wherever the ponies are.
Ice on the ground is extremely dangerous for horses, as, just like humans, they can slip on it and break a leg, however if horses break a leg they usually have to be put down. If it's essential for them to cross ice we have put hay over it which gives the ponies some grip but often people keep their horses in the stables if there is ice on the ground-last year some horses didn't go out at all for 3 weeks! Wherever possible it is far better for them to go and stretch their legs, even if just for a short while, otherwise they're like cooped up children-they go mad inside and then are completely mad when you let them out-with the possibility of another leg injury! You can't win sometimes!
Snow is another problem- again they need extra hay to eat as there's no grass but also the snow compacts in their hooves and for the ponies it's like walking on 4 balls-or for us teetering on extremely high stilleto heels! We've tried allsorts but haven't found any way of really resolving the hooves issue-we just hope they don't run around and hurt themselves!
If you'd like to learn more, or have just bought or are thinking of buying a pony and would like to attend one of our practical pony care courses specially for new owners please get in touch.

Friday, 26 November 2010

Girls fleece clothing

We have a few beautiful fleece jumpers left which are now available at significant discount.
These make lovely gifts for Christmas or birthday, all having pretty, colourful pony designs.

Gift Vouchers for pony fun

Our gift vouchers are a great Christmas gift idea and you can redeem the voucher any time until December 2011 (so you can choose to come when it's not quite so cold!).
We can supply the gift vouchers as a chocolate bar (small additional charge) complete with a personalised message over a pony picture-so the recipient actually gets a small gift, rather than a paper voucher.
They can be used against our remaining pretty pony fleece jumpers, our popular pony experiences or against a party.

Wednesday, 10 November 2010

Christmas pony gift ideas for girls

We've had our thinking caps on for all the parents and grandparents out there struggling to find unusual pony gifts for your pony mad daughter.
We've added gift vouchers which can even come disguised as a chocolate bar with a personal message to the recipient!
How ecstatic is your daughter/grand-daughter going to be with a pony gift that's unique and that will be remembered for a long long time? Simply take in a few of our testimonials and you'll get a flavour of how much people enjoy a visit here.We've also developed a membership scheme, The Perfect Ponies Club which can include several visits plus discounts for additional visits, siblings and pony parties.
PLUS if you join our Perfect Ponies Club before the beginning of December we'll throw in a gorgeous cuddly soft toy pony as a bonus.

Come and see our new party pony, Maisie

Finally got round to taking a photo of a rather muddy Maisie.

She's looking very content as she and Jinny 'escaped' from the area they were supposed to be in as it obviously didn't have enough grass in it and the pair of them have been happily munching the VERY long grass in the out of bounds area!
Maisie is only around 30" tall and is an 8 year old, Miniature Shetland mare (girl pony).
She'll be assisting with pony experiences and pony parties for both tiny tots and teens plus she'll partner with adults on our corporate team building and leadership courses.
As we've done with all our ponies, Maisie will undergo some induction training with my daughter and friends before she's let lose on our visitors!

Friday, 5 November 2010

Christmas pony experiences through December

Yes we're decorating ponies up for Christmas - reindeer antlers, sleigh bells and christmas decorations in a Christmas version of our pony experience!
You can book into one of the public sessions for only £12.50 for an hours fun with up to 6 children
or contact me to book your own exclusive session for 1 to 6 children.
Children from as young as 2 can come and have fun here and there's lots to touch and feel-pony hair, pony mane (lots and lots of that!), christmas tinsel, fluffy saddle cloths etc.
Jinny the Christmas pony

see what else we do here

We're in the Chester Chronicle

Have you seen the article in the Chester Chronicle yet? It's all about how I came to set up Cheshire Pony Parties and has such a 'feel good' factor about it. AND it has a lovely picture of the ponies, me and my nephew.
View the full article here